"All Aboard!" Tom, Shawn and Laetitia in front of the Aggressor
Thu May 25, 2000 Baltra Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Sunset in the Galapagos
Thu May 25, 2000 Anchored off North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Closer to the Galapagos sunset
Thu May 25, 2000 Anchored off North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 The sunset again
Thu May 25, 2000 Anchored off North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 The sunset deepens
Thu May 25, 2000 Anchored off North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 A frigate bird hovers over the boat
Fri May 26, 2000 Anchored off North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 The frigate bird again
Fri May 26, 2000 Anchored off North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 A male frigate bird flies with his red neck sack inflated
Fri May 26, 2000 Anchored off North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Sally lightfoot crabs
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Swallowtail gulls
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Baby sea lion with parent
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Louisa with a sea lion
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 A marine iguana
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Another marine iguana
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Marine iguana & sea lion
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 A blue-footed booby nesting in the trail
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Booby standing beside egg
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Booby couple lovey-dovey
North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Male & juvenile frigate birds in bushes
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Young, fluffy frigate birds
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Male frigate bird with mating signal, his inflated red neck
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Tom talks to a blue-footed booby
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Booby with babies
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Booby with younger babies
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Booby mating ritual
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Marine iguanas
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Marine iguanas again
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Tom with sea lion
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Tom with sea lion again
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Sea lions on shore and in water
Fri May 26, 2000 North Seymour Island, Galapagos
 Tom returning from a dive
Fri May 26, 2000 Wolf Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Wolf island cliff
Sat May 27, 2000 Wolf Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Rocky point off of Wolf island
Sat May 27, 2000 Wolf Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 A natural arch in the rock
Sat May 27, 2000 Wolf Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Small rocky island with natural arch
Sat May 27, 2000 Wolf Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Bottle rock formation on Wolf island
Sat May 27, 2000 Wolf Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Birds, birds, birds!
Sat May 27, 2000 Wolf Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Darwin's Arch
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Louisa, Shawn and Laetitia in front of Darwin's arch
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 A red-footed booby divebombs the boat's antennae
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Lots of red-footed boobies at the antennae
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Darwin island
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Laetitia takes a picture of Shawn
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Red-footed boobies getting a free ride on the ship's rail
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Darwin's arch
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Dolphin jumping
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Dolphin jumping in the evening light
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Galapagos sunset
Sun May 28, 2000 Darwin Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Louisa & Laetitia in front of the pinnacle
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 The only penguins north of the equator
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 These penguins get kinda lonely when they're molting
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 A good pic of the dive boat
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 Us with the boat and pinnacle
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 A volcanic crater and view of lava flow
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 A point of land with the pinnacle
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 A view across the ocean
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 Subsidiary craters from later, smaller eruptions
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 A small underwater crater, with the boat
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 Us with Shawn & Laetitia on the top
Tue May 30, 2000 Bartholome Island, Galapagos
 We dove between the rocks
Wed May 31, 2000 Gordon Rocks, Galapagos
 Louisa with a land iguana
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 A land iguana feasting on a cactus
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Four land iguanas
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Tom with an iguana
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Us with Shawn & Laetitia in front of a cactus tree
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 A couple of lava lizards
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Some swallowtail gulls
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Land iguana with cactus tree
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Laetitia with a large iguana
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Playful sea lions & sounds
South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Sea lions sleeping - how cute
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Louisa catching rays before lunch
Wed May 31, 2000 South Plaza Island, Galapagos
 Marine iguanas on a pier
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Close up of the marine iguana
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Baby land turtle
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Another baby turtle
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Adolescent land turtle
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Cactus finch
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Large land turtle
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Another shot of the large land turtle
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Shawn andd Louisa with a large land turtle
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 The four of us with a giant land turtle
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 Closer to a giant land turtle
Wed May 31, 2000 Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador
 The four of us saying goodbye to the Aggressor
Thu Jun 1, 2000 Baltra Island, Galapagos, Ecuador